On-Prem It's still around.

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On-Prem It's still around.

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This is my first foray into blogging; I always felt I had a voice, and my experience in tech after 20 years helps that. While I can't talk specifics due to the nature of my work, I will talk about my journey from a large-scale data center to a large and small-scale cloud and back to on-prem, especially the challenges around building a platform for a massive containerization migration on-premises. Cloud Native gets tossed around quite a bit, but one misconception is that it needs to be in a cloud. Cloud Native is not a place. It's a way of doing things. So, I'll talk from the beginning, and hopefully, this will help some people who are still in the data center and often feel forgotten about when it seems all the innovation is happening in/for the cloud.

I can tell you it's not, and some exciting things are happening that can be used anywhere.

  • So we can start with the hardware stack. Compute, Storage, Networking, security.

  • Moving on to the OS, what is new here ? Mostly one word, eBPF. I'll spend quite a bit of time on that topic.

  • An abstraction layer, meaning Virtual Machines or not.

  • Containers and all the things!

  • Kubernetes, what is and what isn't?

  • What's next?